

[양자나노과학연구소] 세미나 공지

  • 물리학과 관리자

주제: Modeling the Electron Spin Resonance Spectrum in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
연사자: Christian R. Ast, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research (Germany)
일시: 1월 25일 오전 11시
장소: 연구협력관 지하 1층 주피터 회의실
개요: The theory of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been debated for some time now with a number of different proposals having different origin, but essentially leading to very similar results. While the focus so far has been on the ESR signal itself, the measured DC tunneling spectrum offers more details that allow for a more precise verification of the underlying theory. Here, we discuss the ESR signal from a theory point of view by allowing the tunneling electrons to interact with both the driven spin system and the incident microwave during the tunneling process. We find a more complete description of the whole tunneling current also going beyond the typical approximation of a constant density of states.