

[양자나노과학연구소] 스페인 NANOGUNE 연구소 여름 인턴십 프로그램

  • 물리학과 관리자
안녕하세요. 스페인 NanoGune 연구소에서 학생들을 위한 여름 인턴십 프로그램을 열었습니다. 
개요는 아래와 같으니 관심 있는 학생들은 링크로 접속하셔서 자세한 정보를 확인하시어 2월 11일까지 신청하시기 바랍니다. 

CIC nanoGUNE has just launched the program for summer internships, which runs every year. University students are offered the chance to get involved in the activity of a world-class research center.
Summer Internship 2024In the framework of this program, the Basque nanoscience research center will be receiving this summer at least ten new students in their 3rd and 4th years of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering. For a period of two months, undergraduates will be collaborating with nanoGUNE researchers in their research projects in the fields of quantum nanoscience, nanomaterials and nanomedicine.
To participate in this program, interested candidates should submit their applications online at www.nanogune.eu. The deadline is February 11th. Full information about the call is also available at www.nanogune.eu.

문의사항: 김선희 대외협력팀장  kim.sunny@qns.science