

[양자나노과학연구단] 세미나 공지

  • 물리학과 관리자

주제: Scanning a Probe Fast - High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy

연사자: Luke Otieno, Kyungpook National University

일시: 2 1일 오전 11

장소:연구협력관 3Saturn회의실

개요: Much like the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and other scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), the atomic force microscope (AFM) has revolutionized our ability to image and manipulate surfaces at the atomic scale. From unveiling the intricacies of proteins to sculpting nanostructures, its applications span physics, chemistry, biology, and beyond. However, conventional AFMs often face a major bottleneck – slow image acquisition. This significantly limits their throughput and hinders real-time observation of dynamic nanoscale processes.

The high-speed AFM (HS-AFM) is the faster cousin of the classic instrument. HS-AFM

enables rapid surface characterization and manipulation over larger areas. This opens a new era of possibilities, from characterizing complex biological samples to manipulating surfaces in real-time with unprecedented precision.

In this first part of the talk, we will highlight some applications of HS-AFM across various scientific disciplines, dive into the technical advancements that propel the HS-AFM to faster speeds and highlight ongoing challenges and future directions of development.
