

[양자나노과학연구단] 세미나 공지

  • 물리학과 관리자

주제: Correlated Phases in Two-dimensional Twisted Moiré Materials
연사자: Myungchul Oh, POSTECH
일시: 2월 29일 오후 2시
장소: 연구협력관 지하 1층 주피터 회의실
개요: In a flat band system, interactions between electrons become dominent due to the suppressed kinetic energy and many-body effect begins to occur. The recent breakthrough in engineering the band structure by creating a moiré superlattice in a twisted two-dimensional system has paved the way for the exploration of numerous strongly correlated quantum phenomena that emerge from the symmetry broken many-body ground state, such as correlated insulators, non-trivial topological phases, and unconventional superconductors.
In this talk, I will discuss the moiré superlattice flat band engineering in twisted two- dimensional van der Waals heterostructure and the correlated phases in the moiré superlattice systems, and describe underlying many-body physics in those phases.
I will also highlight the novel scanning probe microscopy technique that has enhanced our understanding of the microscopic electronic structures of their ground states.
At the end of this talk, I will discuss on prospects of twisted two-dimensional systems putting recent research progress together.