

[2015.10.22] 2015 IBS 심포지엄 안내

  • 물리학과

1. 명 칭 : 2015 IBS 심포지엄(2015 Institute for Basic Science Symposium)


2. 주 제 : Nonlinear Photonics


3. 일시/장소: 2015. 10. 22(목) 13:00~18:10/대전 수리과학연구소(NIMS), CAMP(2F)


4. 참석자 : 해당 분야에 관심 있는 국내외 연구자 및 학생


5. 행사일정

13:00-13:10 (10’) David CAMPBELLOpening Remarks 위원장

13:10-13:55 (45’) Boris ALTSHULER Between Localization and Ergodicity in Quantum and Classical Systems

13:55-14:40 (45’) Sergei K. TURITSYNNonlinear World of Fiber Lasers

14:40-14:50 (10’) 휴식

14:50-15:35 (45’) Boris LUKIYANCHUK Fano Resonances and Singular Optics at the Nanoscale

15:35-16:20 (45’) Franco NORI Microwave Photonics

16:20-16:30 (10’) 휴식

16:30-17:15 (45’) Juergen KURTHS Quenching and Reviving Oscillations in Complex Networks ? Challenges for Photonics

17:15-18:00 (45’) Anton S. DESYATNIKOV Fine Structure of Light in Singular and Nonlinear Photonics 후보자

18:00-18:10 (10’) David CAMPBELL Closing Remarks 위원장

18:40-20:40 (120’) 만찬 패널 위원